Avenger vst vs massive
Avenger vst vs massive

  1. Avenger vst vs massive full#
  2. Avenger vst vs massive license#
  3. Avenger vst vs massive plus#

Avenger vst vs massive plus#

Plus manipulating sounds into nrw ones.Ģ. In Reason 10 you have to do to much to achieve the level of an 808 that you want. I've been tweaking on this thing since l've had it. They have 3 versions and of course l want the whole thing.ġ. Pigments, l was seduced to buy it for a price cut of $99.ģ. Serum $189 (l got it and its worth it).Ģ. No sale! No Serum!Lmao lol "A PIG HEAD" lol now that was funny.ġ. I think I am waiting for a sale, and I've become pig headed at this point. There has been no "I need to buy it today" impulse buy. I see NKS Support is coming soon, and that is a nice plus.

Avenger vst vs massive license#

I just bought a Pigments license with no more thought than the Arturia email ad: Pigments $69. If randomization is very important to you then pigments is probably the best on the market.That's a lot of words. Pigments definitely takes a little more learning and a little more time to use but it also offers some one of a kind features.

avenger vst vs massive

Serum is a workhorse that never fails and pigments is a tool that may not be right every time but when it is it can't be replaced. It's not often I find something I wouldn't choose serum for first. I love it for anything I want to sound huge. It might just be me and pigments is still an effective tool but it just seems less intuitive and easier to end up messing around with. If you're willing to make payments you can grab them both and spend a few months with them and see which one you end up using and then either keep both or cancel one.

Avenger vst vs massive full#

After you've paid the full amount you own them. But would get Serum first.ĠThey are also both available on splice as rent-to-own for around $10 a month each and you can pause the plan whenever and pick it back up later. $29 couldn't beat that! Maybe I can get both. I have Flow Motion from Waves, a beast, still learning it though. I am the type cheaper is not always better in certain situations. Now what kills me is do I go for $99 Pigments or $189 for Serum? Right now I am itching for $189, I'm not worried about the price but a lower price tempt people. Hmmmmmm, should I really worry about that? Pigments effects are setup quite different, with better options. I love Pads and Serum seems like a beast on Pads, plus other sounds. I have Omnisphere and I have a lot of banks for it. I want an effortless intuitive VSTi, and Serum is in that direction.Īnother thing that concerns me is the present banks, I definitely have to go the way for more Preset banks. But I am precise Also in an effective way when doing music. My mind I am more CREATIVE, that leans to Pigments. The message you gave makes me glad I came here and asked the question. If randomization is very important to you then pigments is probably the best on the market.

avenger vst vs massive

Serum is the kind of tool where you start working on something and all the sudden realize you weren't even paying attention because it's so easy to use. I use serum when I know what I want and want to get it done and move on to the next thing. I use it for a lot of ambient key sounds with all kinds of crazy modulation and weird artifacts. I like pigments when I need more control than sylenth and am looking to create a sound I may have never heard before. There are some preset banks out there for pigments but compared to the vast amount of serum extensions available you'll find pigments a little harder to find preset banks for. Almost like in order to get the best out of it you have to be prepared to throw something at it and have no idea what it will give you back. Pigments on the other hand feels a little more like it's trying to be a creative extension of what you do. Serum is designed to at every step move and sound exactly how you expect it to which makes for an effortless sound design experience. In my opinion the key difference is that Serum is precise and effective and pigments is more creative. I love pigments but Serum is a different beast. I personally would choose serum every time.

Avenger vst vs massive